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03.10.2008, 23:33 | #1 |
Азъ есмь
держим нервы - II 23:30
продрав глаза спросонья во входящих я обнаружил вложенный файл со следующим содержимым ====================== <?xml version="1.0" ?> <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href="xpnetdiag.xsl" ?> <xpnetdiag> <title> Network Diagnostics for Windows XP </title> <lastRunText> Last diagnostic run time: </lastRunText> <rejectText> REJECT </rejectText> <indeterminateText> INDETERMINATE </indeterminateText> <confirmText> CONFIRM </confirmText> <timeStamp> 10/02/08 01:07:24 </timeStamp> <component name="HTTP, HTTPS, FTP Diagnostic" startDiagnosisTime="10/02/08 01:07:24"> <rootCause name="HTTP, HTTPS, FTP connectivity" status="confirm"> <trace traceType="warn" text="FTP (Passive): Error 12031 connecting to ftp.microsoft.com: The connection with the server was reset "> </trace> <trace traceType="warn" text="HTTPS: Error 12029 connecting to www.passport.net: A connection with the server could not be established "> </trace> <trace traceType="warn" text="FTP (Active): Error 12031 connecting to ftp.microsoft.com: The connection with the server was reset "> </trace> <trace traceType="warn" text="HTTP: Error 12002 connecting to www.microsoft.com: The operation timed out "> </trace> <trace traceType="warn" text="HTTPS: Error 12002 connecting to www.microsoft.com: The operation timed out "> </trace> <trace traceType="error" text="Could not make an HTTP connection."> </trace> <trace traceType="error" text="Could not make an HTTPS connection."> </trace> <trace traceType="error" text="Could not make an FTP connection."> </trace> </rootCause> </component> <component name="Network Adapter Diagnostic" startDiagnosisTime="10/02/08 01:08:46"> <rootCause name="Network location detection" status="reject"> <trace traceType="info" text="Using home Internet connection"> </trace> </rootCause> <rootCause name="Network adapter identification" status="reject"> <trace traceType="info" text="Network connection: Name=Local Area Connection, Device=Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC, MediaType=LAN, SubMediaType=LAN"> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="Ethernet connection selected"> </trace> </rootCause> <rootCause name="Network adapter status" status="reject"> <trace traceType="info" text="Network connection status: Connected"> </trace> </rootCause> </component> <component name="WinSock Diagnostic" startDiagnosisTime="10/02/08 01:09:00"> <rootCause name="WinSock status" status="reject"> <trace traceType="info" text="All base service provider entries are present in the Winsock catalog."> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="The Winsock Service provider chains are valid."> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="Provider entry MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP] passed the loopback communication test."> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="Provider entry MSAFD Tcpip [UDP/IP] passed the loopback communication test."> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="Provider entry RSVP UDP Service Provider passed the loopback communication test."> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="Provider entry RSVP TCP Service Provider passed the loopback communication test."> </trace> <trace traceType="info" text="Connectivity is valid for all Winsock service providers."> </trace> </rootCause> </component> <component name="Wireless Diagnostic"
Если человек хочет сесть, то жизнь бессильна. Аз есмь Ъ Украинский кризис может помешать очистить мир от ядерного оружия (tm) Жизнь: А имярек усыновите , бу-га-га....)))))) а если усыпят ? |
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